Application note: isolation of highly pure and viable T and NK cells using the CGX10 cell isolation system
In this application note we highlight the capability of Sony’s CGX10 cell isolation system using microfluidics based closed cell sorting technology to isolate target cell populations used in cell therapy protocols. The results demonstrate that the CGX10 can isolate cell fractions present in low and abundant levels at high throughput. The results also indicate that […]
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Application note: forty-two color flow cytometry panel data collected with the ID7000TM spectral cell analyzer for identifying cellular subsets in human peripheral blood
In this study, our considerations were to determine the best fluorochrome set to use for 40- to 45-color panels on the ID7000. We aimed to incorporate a set of core markers that utilize the most challenging fluorochrome combinations while leaving the less challenging fluorochromes available for substitutions by users to make derivative panels. We used […]
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Cell sorting- best practices from the experts (Webinar)
Available On Demand—Originally presented on Thursday, March 14, 2019 by Dr. Peter Lopez and Dr. Rui Gardner This SelectScience® webinar will be valuable to those with any level of cell sorting experience who use flow cytometry and want to improve their experimental outcomes. This session addresses three key considerations for effective cell sorting. You’ll learn: […]
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Spectral Flow Cytometry for Deeper Insights (Webinar)
Spectral flow cytometers introduced by Sony enable the use of a wider variety of fluorochrome combinations than previously possible with traditional non-spectral systems. The ID7000™ spectral analyzer is the newest addition to the Sony portfolio. The system can be configured with up to seven lasers to simplify high-parameter experiments and streamline multicolor workflows. Join us […]
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